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About SSmS

SSmS helps small law firms to step up their security by involving all staff in defining and ranking the real-world threats facing their practice, by learning and implementing a dozen simple tools & techniques, and thus developing security awareness.

While we can make this process simpler than expected, installation of tools and adoption of best practices remains tedious for many. SSmS expects that some in each firm will need ongoing help to get to the goal line, We will provide tech support until agreed objectives are achieved by all staff. There should be no weak link in the chain for hackers to exploit.

Founder Jonathan Gunter has a Bachelors’ degree from Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of International Affairs, and a Doctorate in Education from the University of Massachusetts. He speaks 4 languages, has done business in Europe, Asia & Latin America with COMSAT, Sprint, DHL, AT&T, then with his own companies: Radio Movil Digital – Americas and Diveo Broadband Networks. The former sold to Deutsche Bank, the latter to UOL, Brazil’s largest ISP.

He bought an early Macintosh in 1984, and in 2002 a Treo, predecessor to the Blackberry smartphones. He believes technology should simply and reliably work for you, never against you.

He began studying computer security in 1982, via James Bamford’s first-ever book on NSA, “The Puzzle Palace”, which received “no comment” from  NSA – then known as No Such Agency! Bamford’s two subsequent books, Body of Secrets (2001) and The Shadow Factory  (2008) were also sluffed off by NSA.

The Snowden revelations of 2013 validated previous suspicions, and surpassed expectations as to mass and targeted surveillance by the US and other nation states. The 2016 elections reinforced the importance of security, and the vulnerabilities which reached the highest levels of US leadership.The 2017 releases of NSA and CIA exploits and malware “into the wild” — for cyber-criminals and other hackers to study — underscore the importance of every firm taking active involvement in its own security.
